Signs Your First Date with a Colombian Woman Failed

A photo of a woman in a bar looking at her phone
You can notice the signs on the first date. Learn about them here.

Still down in the dumps waiting for that text from her? Not sure how your date night played out with the Colombian woman you were interested in?

This type of scenario is not uncommon for many guys. Even the worry and fear of not hearing back from the woman you just went out with is all too familiar.

Sometimes, going out on a first date with a Colombian woman can be tricky.

There was no major unforeseen event that could ruin your chances of having a second date. Maybe there was no negative comment from your Colombian date, either.

However, as we all know, having a fine time together with your date is no assurance that things are working out perfectly for the both of you.

Of course, a respectful man such as yourself understands and believes that only yes means yes.

But now, while you are stuck in this vague limbo, are there other ways to know if a second date with the Colombian woman you like is waiting over the horizon? Or are you unfortunately just waiting in vain?

Look no further because we have come up with a list that will show you some of the most common signs of a disastrous first date.

Did any of this happen to you? If so, then you are better off scouting the dating pool again.

1. You already fought.

This may be the most obvious clue there is, but it’s still worth emphasizing.

Whether it was simple banter or a shameful screaming match, making a scene like this is a good indicator that you two may not be compatible.

Think about it, you are only seeing each other for the first time, so there shouldn’t be much of a rift at this early stage.

Some may think that this is a cute start for a relationship, but always be cautious and trust your instinct, especially when the situation feels uncomfortable and unsafe.

Take note: Getting into a fight is not the best way to make a good first impression.

2. Your date was rude to other people.

It’s your first chance to spend time together so expect for your Colombian date to be in her best behavior — at least towards you. Why? Because she may want to stack up on some love points and appeal to your good side.

However, you should also check how she interacts with others — the food servers, other guests of the place where you’re having your date, and even the people you mention in your conversation.

If her tone and regards for these people suddenly change for no acceptable reason, then she may simply be showing a different side to you. That’s definitely a red flag to watch out for.

In time, this rudeness might be directed towards you too. Also, why find love with someone who lacks a basic trait that is expected from an adult — having respect for others?

Yes, we think it’s a good thing that there’s no second date to look forward to.

3. You disapprove of each other’s likes.

While we do not expect for you and your Colombian date to instantly hit it off during the first date, there is no considerable reason, however, to be mean about someone’s preferences.

We are trying to find commonalities that both of you can bond over, not for you to compete on regarding who has better taste.

Whether it’s music, fashion, books, or personal beliefs, reserve your comments unless asked for. And when you do share an opinion, do so respectfully — like how a mature adult would.

In any other case, looking down on someone else’s likes, especially when expressed clearly how much they mean to them, is but an undesirable behavior, if not toxic.

If you think this applies to you, then you need to find a better date night idea for your next possible first date.

4. You are not on the same page when it comes to relationships.

A photo of a woman sitting below a neon sign that says Slow Down It’s not going to be a fruitful first date if you do not see each other eye to eye.

The worst plot twist would be not having the same expectations on the future of the relationship. So should you really look forward to another dinner with your Colombian partner if that is the case?

This kind of situation is an early sign that there is incompatibility and misunderstanding between you two. Simply forcing your date to give in to your personal preferences does not make a good relationship.

A successful partnership prefers union rather than compromise.

If your Colombian date is not looking for anything serious and you believe that you are ready for marriage and bigger commitments, then the date is only a fallout that’s waiting to happen.

5. Someone came late.

You never know what to expect on a first date, but being tardy without a valid reason is just downright disrespectful.

This means that there is no importance given to this supposedly special moment, including that of the other party’s own time.

Following the schedule shows commitment and effort. And if something as simple as being on time cannot be done, then the foundation of this attraction is not sturdy enough to go on.

If you are late on the very first time you are meeting, then it’s not far from happening again in the future.

6. You don’t have chemistry.

They say that the secret to finding love is connecting and communicating like you have known each other for a lifetime.

It’s like you just have that undeniable chemistry.

However, during your date, if you could only think of things such as your errands list or basically anything else other than the beautiful Colombian woman who’s right in front of you, then it’s safe to say that there is no spark between the two of you.

No one expects you to fit right into each other’s definition of a perfect partnership as soon as possible. However, not even finding one single thing to talk about is already a bad spot to be in.

If nothing worked out during your first date with a Colombian woman, then there’s no motivating factor to go for a second date.

Fall Once, Get Up Twice

These are all situations you might have heard about one time or another. They are useful factors for you to know if a relationship will flourish.

Simply learn from this experience and try again. That’s the best option for you.

Visit online dating sites or use matchmaking apps, and meet women who may be on the same wavelength as you. And this time, spice it up with some new, exciting, and fun date ideas. You should keep searching for love even if the first date didn't succeed.